UPON behalf of my family and many friends who are AFCB supporters will you please please consider Eddie Howe for the manager’s job, at least until the summer, we may never get the opportunity as a club again as he is presently available and on our doorstep.

If he goes to another club we will spend years in the doldrums again.

I have supported this club since 1987 and went through the barren years attending games from then until 2013 and promotion back to the championship.

Eddie has the Midas touch and I know that he can work again with the new young players like Jack Stacey, Surridge, Lewis Cook etc and turn them into winners.

So come on please consider this and take a poll amongst the fans and see what they say.
This is the last chance we will have to hold onto Mr Bournemouth, don’t make the biggest mistake ever and chuck this opportunity away.

Yes he needed a rest and time to recharge his batteries, he is only human, but please listen to the supporters and let’s go on that journey again to get this club back amongst the elite with a team that will play for Eddie because he is Eddie.
