HUGH JOHN HAGGERTY, aged 48 and of Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, admits damaging the window at Boscombe bus station in Ashley Road to the value of £75 plus VAT belonging to BCP Council on April 25. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. To pay £90 compensation.

FRASER GRAHAM, aged 25 and of no fixed abode, admits pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to the harassment of a woman in Bournemouth between March 21, 2020, and March 27, 2020, and which he knew or ought to have known amounted to the harassment of her in that on March 21, 2020, he was verbally abusive towards her, on March 25, 2020, he attended her home address numerous times and called her offensive names and on March 26, 2020, and March 27, 2020, he attended her home address numerous times banging on her door and threatening to kick her up and down the street. Restraining order made, which lasts until June 23, 2022. Fined £250. To pay £100 compensation and £35 surcharge. Also admits failing to surrender to custody at Poole Magistrates’ Court on June 21, having been released on bail in criminal proceedings on May 20. Fined £50. Also admits using threatening or abusive words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby at Pier Approach, Bournemouth, on August 10, 2020. Fined £50. To pay £200 costs.

RAZVAN GHEORGHE STEF, aged 30 and of Tower Road, Bournemouth, admits driving a Honda Civic in Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, on February 26 while disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence. Community order made, whereby the defendant must carry out 140 hours of unpaid work. To pay £95 surcharge and £85 costs. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for nine months. Also admits using a Honda Civic in Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, on February 26 without insurance. No separate penalty. Driving record endorsed.

STACEY YETTON, aged 41 and of Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, admits driving a BMW in Bournemouth Road, Poole, on August 8, 2020, with 80 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Fined £500. To pay £50 surcharge and £85 costs. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for 40 months. Also admits driving a BMW in Bournemouth Road, Poole, on August 8, 2020, without a licence. No separate penalty. Driving record endorsed. Also admits using a BMW in Bournemouth Road, Poole, on August 8, 2020, without insurance. No separate penalty. Driving record endorsed.

ALAN MILNER, aged 44 and of Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, admits assaulting a paramedic acting in the exercise of his functions as an emergency worker in Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, on November 16, 2020. Community order made, whereby the defendant must complete up to 25 days of rehabilitation activity requirement. Fined £80. To pay £50 compensation, £95 surcharge and £85 costs. Also admits assaulting a paramedic acting in the exercise of his functions as an emergency worker in Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, on November 16, 2020. Community order made. To pay £50 compensation.


SHANE CHRISTOPHER LEVINS, aged 36 and of Compton Crescent, West Moors, admits assaulting a man by beating him at King George Playing Fields, Ferndown, on December 26, 2019. Community order made, whereby the defendant must have treatment for alcohol dependency for six months and complete up to 10 days of rehabilitation activity requirement. To pay £300 compensation, £95 surcharge and £85 costs. Also admits assaulting a woman at King George Playing Fields, Ferndown, on December 26, 2019. Community order made. To pay £50 compensation. Also admits assaulting PC Harvey, an emergency worker acting in the exercise of his functions as such a worker, by beating him at King George Playing Fields, Ferndown, on December 26, 2019. Community order made. To pay £50 compensation.