THE NEW Forest National Park has been named the UK’s eighth favourite mountain biking location, a study has said.

The park, which spans around 71,500 acres, was also named the best mountain biking spot out of all national parks in the UK, ahead of sites like Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire.

The study by Leisure Lakes Bikes analysed Tripadvisor reviews at various UK locations. When searching for ‘mountain biking’ in the UK, Tripadvisor returns 990 locations and activities as results.

Each location and activity can be categorised by its type. Categories include mountains, National Parks, and mysterious sites.

In the study, the New Forest National Park was described as: “Sitting between Bournemouth and Southampton, New Forest National Park is the perfect cycling retreat in the south of England.

“As a national park, this location has been chosen for its outstanding beauty and natural significance. The park is also home to a variety of rare birds, including the curlew, redshank, snipe, and lapwing.

“The park has 1,813 reviews, showing how the site is a popular spot for tourists. There are also over 100 miles worth of cycle tracks across the Crown Lands of the Forest. So, whether you want to see some local wildlife, enjoy a spot of cycling, or do both, New Forest National Park has a lot to offer.”

The top spot was taken by St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, with more than 5,000 reviews.