SHARON ELIZABETH HUNT, aged 49 and of Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, admits driving a Fiat 500 in Denmark Lane, Poole, on March 11 with 221 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. Fined £250. To pay £50 surcharge and £85 costs. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for three years. Also admits being in charge of a Fiat 500 in the car park of the Rose Revived public house in Newbridge, Witney, on April 30 with 107 micrograms of alcohol 100 millilitres of breath. Fined £250. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for three years.

STUART GARETH FOULKES, aged 47 and of Westover Road, Bournemouth, admits destroying the lower section of a door belonging to Domino’s Pizza in Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, on February 9. Committed to prison for six weeks concurrent, suspended for six months. To pay £234 compensation. Also admits assaulting PC Cooke, an emergency worker acting in the exercise of her functions as such a worker, by beating her in Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, on February 9. Committed to prison for six weeks, suspended for six months. To pay £50 compensation. Also admits assaulting PC Ringer, an emergency worker acting in the exercise of his functions a such a worker, by beating him in Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, on February 9. Committed to prison for six weeks concurrent, suspended for six months. To pay £50 compensation. Also admits being drunk and disorderly in Commercial Road, Bournemouth, on August 25. No separate penalty.


DAVID ANTHONY WATERMAN, aged 52 and of no fixed abode, admits consuming alcohol in an open container in Millhams Street, Christchurch, on October 23, which he was prohibited from doing by a criminal behaviour order made on March 9, 2017, for a period of five years. Fined £100. To pay £34 surcharge and £85 costs. Also admits commission of a further offence during the operational period of a suspended sentence order made on October 6 for an offence of breach of criminal behaviour order. Suspended sentence order amended by extending the operational period to four months.


LEE JAMES GOLDING, aged 23 and of no fixed abode, convicted of driving a motor vehicle in Junction Road, Corfe Mullen, on July 16, 2020, while disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence. Committed to prison for eight weeks, suspended for six months. To pay £120 compensation. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for 18 months. Also convicted of using a motor vehicle in Junction Road, Corfe Mullen, on July 16, 2020, without insurance. No separate penalty. Driving record endorsed.


DAVID BEARDMORE, aged 66 and of Keysworth Road, Poole, admits distributing or displaying to a man some writing, sign or visible representation in Poole Road, Bournemouth, on January 8 which was threatening, abusive or insulting with intent to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against him by any person, or to provoke the immediate use of unlawful violence by gesturing the slitting of his throat or whereby he was likely to believe that such violence would be used, or it was likely that such violence would be provoked and the offence was racially aggravated. Committed to prison for 12 weeks, suspended for 12 months. To pay £300 compensation.

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