JOIN us in welcoming these cute little newborns into the world.

This adorable trio were all born in Poole Maternity Hospital.

Kerrie Jones gave birth to Trinity Karen Swords on Monday June 7. Trinity, who joined siblings Sherelle, Melody and Sean, came in weighing 7lbs 5oz.

“What a lovely journey it’s been so far; three full months of pure joy,” Kerrie said.

Louis Nathan Wright, who weighed 6lb 2oz, was born to mum Emma Mortimer on Friday April 16.Now six months old, Emma says Louis is settling in just fine with sisters Mia, Bella and Olivia and is the “perfect addition” to a family of girls.

Jo Pinkard gave birth to her second child, Joshua Pinkard, on Thursday September 9, weighing 7lbs 15oz.

She said: “I arrived at the hospital fully dilated and baby was born within 45 mins of arriving.

“Super speedy labour with no time for pain relief.”