DORSET businesses are being urged to enlist a mentor to help with international growth under a scheme to boost Britain’s exports to £1trillion.

The Department for International Trade has launched Race to a Trillion campaign, including a 12-point plan to help businesses reach the target.

Dorset Business Mentors has around 130 mentors, many of whom have expertise in growth worldwide. It is encouraging anyone looking to export to work with a mentor.

The UK exported £600billion in goods and services last year, but only around one in 10 British businesses currently exports – with the number of goods exporters lagging behind continental competitors like Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Alistair Bayliss of Dorset Business Mentors said: “Dorset has a great exporting heritage and many of our mentors have direct experience of working internationally.

“We want to encourage business leaders to consider the benefits of having a mentor to guide and support them in to new markets.

“We understand businesses are at different points on their exporting journey. Some will be already exporting but looking to maximise the opportunities, while other will see this initiative as an opportunity to take the leap for the first time.”

Government-commissioned research estimates that exports supported 6.5m jobs in the UK as of 2016 and shows that exporters pay higher wages. Separate analysis shows businesses that export are on average 21 per cent more productive.

The government’s 12-point export strategy includes:

  • Launching the Made in the UK, Sold to the World campaign to champion priority sectors.
  • An Export Support Service providing a single point of contact for exporters to Europe.
  • The expansion of the UK Export Academy to offer advice to small and medium sized enterprises.
  • A new UK Tradeshow programme.
  • The expansion of the offer from credit agency UK Export Finance.
  • Networking and peer-to-peer learning through Export Champions.
  • Support from the Internationalisation Fund, which has £4m to support SMEs attending trade fairs.

Call Dorset Business Mentors on 01305 221268 or visit