OFFICIALS have confirmed the major fire that ripped through a derelict hotel in Bournemouth was most likely started deliberately.

On Thursday, September 24, 2020, more than 100 firefighters tackled the massive blaze at the former Orchid Gardens Hotel in Gervis Road, previously known as the Woodcroft Tower Hotel, through the night.

Hundreds of guests from neighbouring hotels were evacuated and several roads were closed as 16 fire crews worked to put out the flames.

A year and a half after the incident the unstable building still stands, however has since been barricaded and boarded off.

Bournemouth Echo: Boarded up Orchid Gardens Hotel, AKA Woodcroft Tower Hotel, in Gervis Road following a fire in 2020Boarded up Orchid Gardens Hotel, AKA Woodcroft Tower Hotel, in Gervis Road following a fire in 2020

Despite investigations by both fire services and police, a definite cause of the blaze is still unknown. However, for the first time, officials have confirmed their belief it was started deliberately.

A Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service spokesperson told the Echo: “We were unable to do a full investigation due to the structural instability of the building limiting access, but the conclusion was that the fire was most likely started deliberately.”

Dorset Police, meanwhile, reiterated the new lines of enquiry would be investigated. A spokesperson said: “This matter was subject to a full and detailed investigation, in liaison with the fire service, but we have been unable to confirm the cause of the fire at this time. As with any investigation, we will explore any further lines of enquiry should they emerge.

“We would like to thank the fire service for their response on the night and support throughout the subsequent investigation.”

Bournemouth Echo: Boarded up Orchid Gardens Hotel, AKA Woodcroft Tower Hotel, in Gervis Road following a fire in 2020Boarded up Orchid Gardens Hotel, AKA Woodcroft Tower Hotel, in Gervis Road following a fire in 2020

Gervis Road is the home of the current Orchid Hotel, a short distance away from the former site. Goldline Finance took over the lease for the building and the current hotel from the previous owners, who were in receivership, back in 2014.

Meyrick Estate owns the currently derelict building. They were approached to comment on the status of the building and land, however no response has been received.

BCP Council also confirmed no planning applications have been filed for the site since the fire.