AS THE cabinet member for BCP Children’s Services I would appreciate the opportunity to comment on yesterday’s lead letter.

Since I was appointed, just over a year before the recent Ofsted inspection, I have been supported by all political parties in BCP to make the necessary improvements.

The inspection acknowledges that we know what needs to be done and that there has been recognisable progress despite the challenges of Covid-19 and the complexities of Local Government Re-organisation.

The report also recognises that senior leaders, both corporate and political, are supportive of the ongoing changes being made.

We fully accept the Ofsted findings and acknowledge that we are not yet where we need to be. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and we will be redoubling our efforts to provide the service our children need and deserve.

This is our top priority as a council and we are proposing budget increases of over £20m, a 35 per cent rise, in the two years 2021 to 2023.


BCP Cabinet Member for Children’s Services