BOURNEMOUTH University students are calling for Dorset residents to take part in an anti-war event to show support for the people of Ukraine.

The students have created a Facebook event inviting people to the town centre at 2pm on Sunday, March 20 for a solidarity march.

One of the organisers, Saga Kindstrand, said: “The war in Ukraine is a disaster.

“It’s very important for us to show solidarity.”

The group have also organised a fundraising concert for later that day: people can visit the lower gardens to watch bands, including Bomo Swing, perform from 3.30pm.

Saga added: “I’m a musician myself so I wanted to do something more than just the march.”

Those wanting to get involved in Sunday’s anti-war event should meet in the Bournemouth Square at 2pm.

She said: “It’s difficult to know how many people will come but I’m hoping for a big turnout!”

For more information, visit the Facebook event: