FIREFIGHTERS rushed to Canford Heath this evening to tackle a blaze just weeks after a huge wildfire ripped across the nature reserve.

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service crews extinguished a "small fire" on the heath shortly before 7pm

Details on the numbers of crews in attendance has not been confirmed at this stage but Wareham Fire Station reportedly attended the scene to support colleagues from Poole Fire Station.

A fire control spokeswoman confirmed the emergency service had sent firefighters to the scene.

The incident comes three weeks to the day since scores of firefighters from across several counties battled a blaze at Canford Heath, which destroyed an area of heathland the equivalent of 23 football pitches.

The fire on April 23 was believed to have been started by a human act.

The Daily Echo has contacted Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service for more details.

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