PLANS to open a restaurant and shisha lounge in a Bournemouth town centre premises have been refused.

Applicant H Shiekh Ali tabled the change of use application in relation to 11 Gervis Place, which is currently home to sandwich shop Jon Smith Subs.

Permission was sought to alter the restaurant only premises to a mixed use with a covered external seating area and smoking shelter at the rear of the site.

Objections were submitted by BCP Council’s environmental health department, heritage officer and the waste/recycling officer.

A planning officer’s report said: “The restaurant use would not be considered out of character given the previous use of the unit (Huckleberrys) and this would be suitable within a town centre location.

“There would also be minimal changes to the appearance of the front elevation and a separate advert application is under consideration by the local planning authority.”

However, outlining the reasons for refusing the scheme under delegated powers, the report said: “It has not been demonstrated that the physical alterations associated with the change of use are justified, particularly when the detail of smoking shelter and external alterations remain unclear.”

It added: “Secondly, it is considered that the proposed development would cause harm to the occupiers of neighbouring properties by way of noise and no information has been submitted to address this.”