WHILE many, like myself, will be pleased to see the end of Boris Johnson’s time at No. 10, for those of us who live in my part of Bournemouth the question now becomes, what of our own MP?

Conor Burns backed Johnson to the hilt, as reported in the Echo yesterday.

He championed him throughout ‘party-gate’, and failed to condemn his appalling judgement, or his continued dishonesty over Pincher’s appointment as deputy chief whip.

Mr Burns has consistently supported Johnson’s law-breaking regime – proroguing parliament, breaking lockdown rules, and breaking the treaty he himself negotiated on Northern Ireland’s trade.

He, Mr Burns, supported Johnson’s Brexit deal, which far from ‘getting Brexit done’ has cost us billions in lost trade.

Like other local Conservative Members of Parliament, Mr Burns helped impose austerity, gave tax breaks to the already rich, and is failing to meet the current challenges of inflation and its impact on so many families in our area.

Johnson’s tenure may have reached its end, but Britain is a more divided and unequal country, thanks to the Conservatives.

Replacing him alone, is not enough. At some point, all those who backed this narcissist must and will be held to account.


Amberley Court, Bournemouth