VOLUNTEERS at Ukraine Relief have shared their experiences working within Bournemouth’s biggest fundraising group.

More than four months after its launch, Ukraine Relief remains supported by a core team of volunteers, all working hard to support refugees amid the war.

Frankie Lesson, a 75-year-old who joined the project a week after its launch, said: “I’ve been here virtually every day since then. I was doing six days a week but now I’m doing five days.

“I really enjoy it. You feel good with what you’re doing. You feel as if you’re doing something positive. You’re working amongst a lovely selection of people. It’s just a darn good feeling.”

Read more: Growing Ukraine fundraiser still needs public donations

The group, which operates largely from a warehouse in Castlepoint, has been behind an overwhelming number of donations sent to Ukraine and its bordering countries.

Volunteers were called for shortly after its launch, seeing a huge influx of people willing to offer a hand.

The numbers of volunteers have now lessened, but those left have been described as “a big family”.

Jo Fleetwood, from Parkstone, was one to join the group in its early days, and still helps out now. She said: “I came in on the second day they opened. There were queues of people at the door.

"I couldn’t bear to see what was going on, and the only way I could cope with what I saw was to help

Read more: Help from Bournemouth to Ukraine is renamed Ukraine Relief

It was a similar situation for 42-year-old Louisa Black, who joined Ukraine Relief during its first weekend at Castlepoint. She remains with the group, and has formed a great friendship with fellow volunteer Annemarie Randall.

Louisa said: “I’ve made new friends. I love being part of this team because we’re all here together for the same reason. It’s like a big family.

“At the beginning it was so crazy and there were so many people. You didn’t know anybody’s names. But now there’s only a handful of us, so we’ve gotten to know eachother more. It’s really nice.”

Ukraine Relief are still accepting volunteers, as well as goods for donation. For more information visit the Ukraine Relief Facebook page.