RANGERS have expressed frustration with visitors to Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove as they were forced to clear away barbecues and deal with people camping. 

After a weekend of hot weather, a spokesperson from Lulworth Rangers said: "As usual, our dedicated team of beach cleaners were up early this morning from 5.30am clearing Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove, ready for the wave of visitors today.

"Unfortunately, we also encountered many people camping and having BBQs, completely disregarding the PSPOs and Dorset-wide BBQ ban."

Read more: Beach camping at BCP beaches criticised

To crack down on the use of barbecues at Dorset's beauty spots, Forestry England has recently imposed a ban on fires and barbecues across Dorset Council areas. It could see people facing £100 if caught by patrols.

However, the Lulworth Rangers are continuing to clear away BBQs and finding people illegally camping in the area. 

While barbecues on beaches in the area carry a warning that people should be careful and responsible, Dorset Council says you can have a BBQ close by on Weymouth beach.