SIPPING tea and surveying the Dorset sunshine, Frank Sinatra tribute singer Anthony Adams smiled contentedly and told me: "It's good to be home."

On Saturday millions of viewers saw the 52-year-old Southbourne van driver come within a whisker of landing a three month dream contract in Las Vegas.

When he came second in the BBC's The One and Only and was left watching as Dusty Springfield singer Katie Setterfield took the big prize, it looked like the end of a dream.

But back in Bournemouth yesterday Anthony insisted that second place was "just fine."

He said he plans to spend the next six months developing the techniques he learned while working with the programme's experts.

"It would have been lovely to go to Vegas and of course on Saturday night I really wanted it, but really I'm not sure it would have been a good move.

"I've been given an opportunity here and I don't want to blow it by rushing in before I'm ready. If I'm honest I don't have a great deal of experience at this sort of thing. I have learned a huge amount in the past few weeks and I want to use it to develop an act that will really last."

Anthony is even planning to go back to his job as a frozen food delivery driver while he maps out his future career. In the meantime he's enjoying being home with his wife Mariella and children Thomas, seven and Olivia, nine.

  • Read Jeremy Miles's full interview with Bournemouth's Anthony Adams in Saturday's Daily Echo.
  • The headline on this story was by Paul Bunker who won the headline game challenge on his 2CR FM show on Wednesday morning