POLICE are calling for more officers to be armed with stun guns after the Daily Echo revealed their shocking injury toll.

Clive Chamberlain, chairman of the Dorset Police Federation, said more officers need to be equipped with Taser for their protection.

Figures obtained by the Daily Echo under the Freedom of Information Act show hundreds of Dorset's police officers are injured every year in the course of their duties.

Officers picked up 497 injuries in 2006/07.

Although the number of injuries has decreased, the number of serious injuries requiring officers to take at least three days off work has increased. In 2006/07 there were 48 cases which needed that length of time off, compared with 40 and 41 in the two previous years.

There were six cases of police officers needing at least three days off work because of stress or related conditions.

There were 125 incidents of Dorset police officers being assaulted and 87 were injured when trying to arrest someone. Eight were injured by animals and one of these required at least three days off work to recover.

Ten police officers were bitten, two head-butted, three were knifed, 21 were punched, ten kicked, three spat at and one injured when a home-made firearm exploded in a police car.

Mr Chamberlain said: "Police officers show bravery every day. But they bleed, bruise and suffer like anyone else. They are often dealing with people who are volatile by nature and you never know what is around the corner.

"If you visit Bournemouth at 2am on a Friday or Saturday you see what police are trying to control and make safe. I would like to see more police equipped with Taser for their protection.

"But it is not just physical injuries. One of my colleagues had his own car set on fire in the middle of the night, then rolled into his garage setting his house on fire. Although he was not injured he had to flee with his family."

Research carried out by MP Grant Shapps in 2006 showed that nationally a police officer is assaulted every 20 minutes and that one in six officers have been assaulted while on duty.

There is also a reported increase in vehicles being used as weapons against police officers.