TWO tennis courts in Bournemouth’s Central Gardens could make way to introduce emerging sport padel at the site.

West Hants Tennis Club failed in a bid to introduce three new padel courts at its site in Roslin Road South earlier this year.

BCP Council planners refused the scheme due to the “unacceptable noise impacts” of the new courts.

The application for the Talbot Woods site attracted dozens of objections, with one resident expressing concerns that “noise like gunfire” would come from the courts.

West Hants has now come back with a plan to introduce padel, which is a cross between tennis and squad, in the Central Gardens.

A design and access statement submitted in support of the new application said: “The proposal is to swap two tennis courts for two padel courts.

“The current set up of eight tennis courts is struggling to remain viable, the introduction of two padel courts will greatly enhance the prospect of the courts continuing as a valuable asset to the conurbation.

“The introduction of a court at West Hants Tennis Club has proved to be a success. However, the noise generated by the facility has limited the scope for expansion at West Hants.”

An acoustic report commissioned by the applicant found the current background noise from Bourne Valley Road and the Wessex Way would “effectively mask” the noise produced by a padel match.

Padel was invented in Mexico in 1968 and it is considered the one of the fastest growing sports in the world, with more than 20 million players worldwide, the statement said.

It said there are currently 155 padel courts in Britain and national governing body the Lawn Tennis Association is looking to reach 400 courts in the near future.

The applicants describe padel as “similar to tennis but played in an enclosed court with glass walls at the two ends off which the ball can be played”. The side walls are wire mesh.

BCP Council’s planning department is currently assessing the application, with a public consultation running until October 21.