WITH ever rising costs of living, energy, food, and transport, millions in our country are in dire circumstances.

Many families with children, all those on low incomes, all those dependent on ever shrinking benefits. All the worse as the bitter winter months come in.

It is very bleak but, all the same, when it comes to food and meals I believe many of us can live on far less than we think.

I hesitate to say that when you think of parents on low incomes with two or three children. But then just stand back and look at supermarkets. Vast quantities of processed food, none of which we need. Worse again, most of which is seriously not good for us.

All the bright tempting images and colours but all shot through with sugar, salt, and preservatives.

I would maintain an adult could if they needed to live on £30 a week for food. Buying for the most part fresh food.

Potatoes and fresh vegetables and fresh fruit can go a very long way.

Porridge and eggs and bread are needed. Low cost meat; the healthiest you can eat is liver. And pasta, rice, and lower- cost fish.

I would say as a people we have over decades become enormously decadent.

All the processed food, all the instant meals, all the takeaways, no end of cans and bottles of alcohol all on hand.

Fact is obesity is rampant in the UK, in turn all too often bringing on diabetes in turn threatening our eyesight and legs and feet.

Wind the clock back to 1940s, war with severe rationing into the 1950s, obesity was non-existent. Diabetes unheard of.

Hard times ahead but maybe some better understanding what we do need to live healthy lives, all we don’t need and can ditch and be far better off.


Jubilee Road, Poole