A WETHERSPOON pub in Bournemouth has been given the green light to stay open for an hour later.

The national pub company’s proposal for The Parkstone and Heatherlands in Wimborne Road, Winton, was approved by BCP Council planning officers.

A similar application was rejected 10 years ago by Bournemouth Borough Council due to the increased noise and disturbance having an adverse impact on nearby residential properties.

However, the fresh bid included a noise impact assessment which suggested this was no longer an issue.

A report by a council planning officer said: “The environmental health officer has assessed the noise impact assessment and raised no objection.

“Whilst it is concluded that the increase opening hours to 12am would result in a slight increase in noise due to the comings and goings of customers, it would be at a relatively low level similar to that experienced in the built-up area.”

The pub will now be able to open from 8am to midnight, with last orders at 11.30pm.