THE TOP level of parking at Castlepoint Shopping Centre has been closed temporarily due to the cold weather.

Castlepoint said it was due to the frost and they are aiming to reopen the car park by mid-morning.

Temperatures have plummeted to minus seven in some parts of Dorset this morning.

A spokesperson from Castlepoint Shopping Centre said: “It’s due to the frost, the top level will reopen when the sun comes over the trees on Castle Lane West, it should be open again by about 10am.”

Bournemouth Echo:

THE UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued a level three cold weather alert for Dorset from yesterday evening through to Monday December 12.

There are some uncertainties around how long this cold spell will last, however, it is expected to stay cold into next week with temperatures remaining well below average for the time of year.

BCP Council also issued an severe weather emergency protocol which will help to protect the area's rough sleepers during the cold snap.