A NEW nature reserve is to be created on 13-acres of land in Dorset to support the survival of one of Europe’s rarest species of bat.

Dorset Council has purchased the land near Blandford to transform into a wildlife haven to help protect the greater horseshoe bat.

The project will also see hedgerows restored, a wildflower meadow established, and more trees planted.

Volunteers are sought to help plant trees and hedges at the site, which is currently arable fields and woodland adjoining the Milldown Nature Reserve and North Dorset Trailway.

This purchase was made possible through Dorset Council’s habitat compensation fund, using money secured through developer contributions. Extra funding for the project has come from Defra and Blandford Forum Town Council.

Total investment in the project is £115,035.

Bournemouth Echo:

Cllr Ray Bryan, council member for highways, travel and environment, said: “Protecting and restoring Dorset’s natural environment is one of the council’s key priorities.

“This recent land purchase is an excellent opportunity to create much needed habitat for Dorset’s wildlife, whilst providing more access to the countryside for residents.

“We are determined to work with partners to promote the recovery of nature and tackle the ecological emergency.”

The greater horseshoe bat is one of the UK's largest and is mainly found in south-west England and Wales.

Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the species is described as the size of a small pear.

To kickstart the new addition to Dorset, a hedge planting event will be held on the weekend of January 21 and 22 at the site.

Members of the public are invited to attend at 10am on either one or both days to help with the planting but are advised to wear suitable footwear and bring their own spade.

To find the event, follow signs from the Milldown car park where council rangers will be on site to guide you.

Donations of £40 for the 70 trees being planted will be taken by Blandford Forum Town Council and contributions can be made via a form at blandfordforum-tc.gov.uk online.

Further volunteering opportunities will be available later in the year.