PLANS for a new McDonald’s to trade through the night are set to go before councillors.

The proposed premises licence for the new fast-food restaurant on the retail park off Barrack Road received an objection from a resident who said it would be “totally inappropriate”.

McDonald’s has applied to BCP Council for permission to provide late night refreshment from 11pm to 5am seven days a week.

As reported, the restaurant is due to open at 11am on Wednesday, February 8, on the site of the former Pizza Hut unit.

The premises licence application is due to go before a council licensing sub-committee on Wednesday, February 1.

A report by a local authority officer ahead of the meeting said no responsible authority, such as Dorset Police, made a representation about the application.

One representation was submitted objecting to the proposal from residents.

In a written submission Maureen and Clifford King said they wanted to register their objections “most strongly”.

“The proposed extended opening times is totally inappropriate in an area which has significant number of residential properties in close proximity,” they said.

“The increased risk of resulting anti-social behaviour such opening would no doubt encourage is also a negative factor.

“Increased level of noise is a probable outcome from traffic, night-time customers and the anti-social behaviour that would ensue.

“Environmental impact from resulting rubbish and traffic is unwelcome.

“Increased opening hours would be detrimental to the general character and living conditions for nearby residents.”

The objectors said residents pay their council tax in the belief that the local authority will give “due consideration to the quality of their lives and the environment where they live”.

In its premises licence application, McDonald’s said: “This restaurant understands that in extending our opening hours we have a duty to the local community and that we continue to protect our staff and customers from danger and harm.

“We believe that the systems we have in place are robust, thorough and will, as far as reasonably practicable, secure the promotion of the four licensing objectives.”

Members of the licensing sub-committee will decide whether to grant the application as proposed, refuse it or grant the premises licence subject to additional conditions.