AN ape rescue centre in Dorset is making use of recycled rope in its enclosures.

Monkey World is using 100 metres of worn-out rope handed over by ferry company Wightlink to improve the homes of its apes.

The rope, previously used to tie up Wightlink’s ferries at Lymington, will be put in the various enclosures to help the apes exercise.

Charlie Crowther from Monkey World said: “We were very pleased when Wightlink got in touch and offered to donate rope to us, as we use it in many enclosures for our rescued and endangered monkeys and apes.

Bournemouth Echo: Charlie Crowther from Monkey World receiving some of Wightlink’s surplus rope Charlie Crowther from Monkey World receiving some of Wightlink’s surplus rope (Image: Wightlink)

“The strong, durable rope enables us to provide stimulating outside environments, linking together trees in a way that encourages natural locomotion. This rope will come in very handy when refreshing our enclosures.”

Wightlink chief executive Keith Greenfield said he was “delighted” when Monkey World expressed an interest in the company’s rope, which they need to replace regularly for safety reasons.