A GROUP of teenagers were seen close to the area where the fire in at a derelict college building took place in Poole late last week, according to police. 

An investigation has been launched into the fire which happened in a former Poole College building off Constitution Hill Road building on the evening of Sunday, February 5. 

Police say the fire, which was described as like an “inferno” by residents, is being treated as suspicious. 

Dorset Police received a report at 3.50pm on Sunday, February 5, from the fire service, which was in attendance at a property fire involving an unoccupied building in Jellicoe Close. 

Read more: Huge fire tears through derelict college block in Poole

Officers attended to assist and have been liaising with the fire service to establish the cause of the fire. 

PC Rory Jewell, of Poole police, said: “We are conducting a number of enquiries into this fire, and I would urge anyone with information regarding how it started and who was involved to please contact us. 

“I would also urge any residents with home CCTV systems or doorbell cameras, or any motorists with dashcam who were in the area, to please review their footage for the afternoon of Sunday, February 5, to see if they have captured anything that might assist our enquiries.” 

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at dorset.police.uk/contact or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55230019049.  

Alternatively, independent charity Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously online at Crimestoppers-uk.org or by calling Freephone 0800 555 111.