A parcel was stolen from outside a porch at a Bournemouth home leaving a resident frustrated at delivery drivers not leaving parcels in safe spaces.

Nick Shipp, who lives in Saxonhurst Road, Northbourne, caught the thief on a camera in his porch, taking his parcel, an £8 pair of gloves.

Mr Shipp wanted to highlight that things like this could happen in the area, but he said this was the first time he knew of it happening.

“We’ve had a few packages left outside the porch before, one was left overnight actually and that was there the morning after,” he said.

“We used to live in Boscombe beforehand, and they left them outside all the time there and we never had one stolen in our five years.”

He said that other residents in the area are used to it happening, but that they were frustrated at delivery drivers leaving parcels outside front doors and porches.

“People seemed to be more fed up with the fact that the delivery driver they just walk on, throw the package at the door, and walk off again, which is exactly what happened in this instance, rather than taking the time to put it in the porch, because then it doesn’t really give anyone the opportunity to take it so easily.

“That seems to be the main frustration, rather than the crime itself, although obviously it’s a pretty nasty thing to do. It could be something of importance to someone.

“95 per cent of the time they’re put in the porch, just the very odd occasion someone leaves it on the outside, but very rarely."

Mr Shipp added: “I think it’s really important to highlight this sort of thing can happen in the area and people should just be conscious of where packages are left because if it is something important to them you don’t want it going walkabout to a man in a lovely camouflage jacket.”

A Dorset Police spokesperson said: “Dorset Police received a report of a theft of a package from outside a property in Saxonhurst Road, Bournemouth at 5.13pm on Wednesday 8 February 2023. No arrests have been made.”