PLANS have been submitted to flatten a shopping village in Christchurch to make space for 40 apartments.

Applicant Mostyn Levein has applied to BCP Council to demolish Christchurch Emporium off Bridge Street and replace it with a multi-use building.

The proposed development would provide 623.6 square metres of office space, as well as 40 apartments, consisting of 18 one bed flats, 21 two bed flats, and one three bed flat. There would also be space for 50 car parking spaces, concentrated at the rear of the property.

The ground floor is set to accommodate the office space, along with the bin and cycle stores, while upper floors would accommodate the residential properties.

An outline application by Mr Levein, outlining a part three storey, part four-storey development, was approved for the site in December 2021.

The latest proposal is described as a four-storey building.

The applicant suggests this scheme would make “efficient use of urban land” whilst providing “modern, fit-for-purpose” residential and commercial accommodation.

Bournemouth Echo: The new proposed development. The blue line shows the existing building, and the red line shows the size of the scheme approved in 2021.The new proposed development. The blue line shows the existing building, and the red line shows the size of the scheme approved in 2021. (Image: ARC Architecture ltd.)

The design of the building is also said to be of “traditional form”, appropriate to the locality” and of no harm to neighbouring properties.

The planning, design and access statement submitted to BCP Council says: “The design represents an active frontage with the built form broken up through the use of different materials, a change in window design and the gradual increase in height of the building as you approach the corner.

“It has been designed to respect the characteristics of the area, by appearing similar to the layout at Priory Lodge. The layout allows for a more engaging and active frontage with Stony Lane South and allowing for improved legibility to the street scene.”

The site is currently home to an industrial unit used by Christchurch Emporium.

Christchurch Emporium first opened in April 2015, but did so without having planning permission in place.

The ensuing planning process ended in 2017 when the ground floor was allowed to be used for a mixture of retail, cafe, office and storage uses.

Just months later, the first application was submitted to demolish the shopping village.