PUPILS at Bournemouth’s newest school received a visit from the town’s MP who learned about the challenges facing the academy.

Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns was welcomed to Livingstone Academy on Friday, March 3, to meet staff and pupils.

During a tour, Mr Burns learned about the challenges facing the academy, which is run by Aspirations Academies Trust, as they utilise buildings converted from the former magistrates’ court and Grade II listed coroner’s court in Lansdowne.

Opening in September 2021, the academy was temporarily housed on part of the Bournemouth and Poole College campus until staff and pupils were able to move into the new buildings in June last year.

Bournemouth Echo: Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns with students of the Livingstone Academy.Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns with students of the Livingstone Academy. (Image: Aspirations Academies Trust)

Academy principal Dr Kimberly Elms said: “Urban schools are exciting places to learn in, but they do present challenges from parking and security to outdoor exercise areas.

“Additionally, we are custodians of historic buildings in this unique repurposing project and that means making compromises in the ways in which we use the space.

“We are hopeful that, with the help of the local authorities, we will be able to head off any problems around increasing traffic and school drop-off before they arise. However, information is not always forthcoming and we have concerns about how plans for traffic routing will impact us.”

Roads around the school were transformed while the school was under construction. In May last year, the Echo reported on concerns from barber Terry Fry who feared the introduction of a one-way system in the adjacent Stafford Road would harm his business.

Bournemouth Echo: Road works outside Livingstone Academy in Stafford Road, Bournemouth, during construction in May 2022.Road works outside Livingstone Academy in Stafford Road, Bournemouth, during construction in May 2022.

Acknowledging the practical difficulties of the academy’s location, Mr Burns offered his support to ensure the schools’ concerns are listened to.

He said: “The school is doing fantastic things and the future for the pupils is positive.

“I’m very happy to help engage with the local authority to get them to understand the challenges facing Livingstone Academy, which will only increase as the school reaches capacity.”

As part of his three-hour visit, Mr Burns admired the historic courtroom from the judge’s bench, and observed lessons in Spanish, coding and personal, social and health education (PSHE) as well as meeting members of the school council.