PLANS have been tabled for an observation unit to improve visibility for volunteers who monitor the coast in Christchurch.

The National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) has shared a proposal for a demountable observation unit to be placed at either Friars Cliff or Avon Beach.

NCI said the facility would “extend their capabilities in what they could see and detect” and would expand its NCI Hengistbury Head lookout operation.

Members from the institution presented their draft plans at a Christchurch Town Council Meeting on March 13.

The minutes of the meeting read: “Members received a presentation from National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) concerning a proposal for a demountable unit at Friars Cliff.

“It was explained that the replacement of the demountable would not require ground works and it would be easy to put up and take down.

“NCI clarified that their expectation from the Council was the recognition of what they were trying to achieve and being supported in their planning application.

“NCI also clarified they had funding to achieve their objectives.”

Following NCI’s presentation, town council members agreed to back the proposal, and the town clerk said he would write to BCP Council Seafront Department to show support, subject to “consideration of the amenity value of the existing structure nearby”.

NCI said it is already in discussion with BCP Seafront Operations team in relation to the plans.

It added that no decisions on a precise location have been agreed yet, but once it has, they will be "guided by BCP Council on the need for a planning application".