Details on the cases of seven people who have recently appeared in the dock at Poole Magistrates' Court.


MICHAEL FURNESS, aged 34 and of Diddywell Road, Northam, admits assaulting a man by beating him in Bournemouth on August 6, 2022. To pay £100 compensation. Also admits pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to the harassment of a woman and which he knew or ought to have known amounted to the harassment of her in that she sent her unwanted messages and attended her address between July 29, 2022, and August 9, 2022. Community order made, whereby the defendant must take part in up to 25 days of rehabilitation activity requirement. Restraining order made, which lasts until March 26, 2025. Fined £530. To pay £114 surcharge and £85 costs.

GEORGINA TESSA KIRBY, aged 35 and of Gershwin Road, Basingstoke, admits damaging a front door belonging to a woman in Bournemouth on November 13, 2022. Community order made, whereby the defendant must take part in up to 12 days of rehabilitation activity requirement. Also admits with intent to cause a woman harassment, alarm or distress, using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress and the offence was racially aggravated in Bournemouth on November 13, 2022. Community order made. Restraining order made, which lasts until March 26, 2024. To pay £100 compensation.

Bournemouth Echo:


MICHAEL JOHN BUCKLEY, aged 28 and of Heights Road, Upton, admits damaging glass on a cupboard door, destroying a bedside lamp and damaging a bedroom door belonging to a woman in Upton on February 5. Committed to prison for 14 days. To pay £154 surcharge and £50 costs.

CALLUM KEVIN WILCOX, aged 21 and of Nettleton Close, Poole, admits driving a BMW on the A3049 Dorset Way, Poole, on October 7, 2021, at a speed exceeding 50mph. Fined £160. To pay £34 surcharge and £85 costs. Driving record endorsed with three points.

ANTHONY LAMONT, aged 42 and of Cooke Gardens, Poole, admits entering Gatwick Airport, London, on March 7, 2023, other than as a bona fide passenger, whilst having been prohibited in writing from entering by Gatwick Airport Limited. Discharged conditionally for six months. To pay £26 surcharge.

CALLUM DAVID ANDERSON, aged 23 and of Johnston Road, Poole, admits damaging a vehicle to the value of £48 belonging to a woman in Poole on December 11, 2022. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. To pay £48 compensation.

DANIEL ANTHONY SWANN, aged 37 and of Southill Road, Poole, admits damaging a Vauxhall Insignia to the value of £100 belonging to a woman in Poole on January 11. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. To pay £100 compensation.

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