A MAN was left battered and bruised after being “viciously” attacked by another man who threatened to kill him at a Tesco petrol station.

David Crego was punched and kicked by serial offender Andrew Morgan on the Tesco forecourt in Tower Park, Poole, after years of “ill-feeling” between the two.

The victim had just paid for petrol when he was “accosted” by 38-year-old Morgan on the morning of November 11 last year.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard how the pair had never actually met but when Morgan saw Mr Crego he “completely lost his rag” due to their history, understood to involve a shared ex-partner.

Rachel Bailey, prosecuting, said how Morgan asked Mr Crego if his name was Dave and that when the victim confirmed this, Morgan replied, “I heard you’re looking for me”.Bournemouth Echo: Bournemouth Crown CourtBournemouth Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

When Mr Crego denied this, CCTV showed Morgan suddenly punch the victim in the face which caused him to stumble.

He then lunged at Mr Crego, punching him repeatedly in the head before hauling him to the ground and kicking him in the face.

“He was kicked in a vicious manner,” Ms Bailey told the court. She also said that when Morgan finished his assault, he told the victim: “If you grass on me, I will kill you.”

Mr Crego suffered a black eye, swelling to his face and cuts and bruises following the attack.

In a statement read in court on his behalf, he said he had to take a week off work due to his injuries and suffered from anxiety.

The footage also showed, despite numerous workers and members of the public being present, nobody intervened in the assault. Of this, Judge Robert Pawson said: “I don’t think anyone merits a sheriff’s reward.”

Aleksander Lloyd, mitigating, said: “There is no excusing Mr Morgan’s behaviour. His reaction on that garage forecourt is inexcusable. He saw Mr Crego and he completely lost his rag.

“Mr Morgan has a great deal of remorse, he couldn’t control his temper and couldn’t control himself.”

Bournemouth Echo: Tesco petrol station in Tower ParkTesco petrol station in Tower Park (Image: Google)

Morgan, who has numerous previous convictions for violent offences, was chastised for his “appalling criminal record” by Judge Pawson when passing sentence.

He said: “You attacked him, you lined him up for punches and delivered two or three significant kicks once your victim was down.

“Your parting shot was telling him ‘grass on me and I’ll kill you’. It was a determined attack on your victim who showed you no violence whatsoever.”

Morgan’s partner ran out of the courtroom before Judge Pawson passed sentence.

Morgan, of Ringwood Road in Poole, was jailed for 16 months having been convicted of actual bodily harm. He is also forbidden from having any contact with Mr Crego for ten years.