A BIG congratulations to the Lib Dems for taking all our Parkstone and Heatherland seats.

And indeed winning 28 ward seats and will no doubt lead the next coalition or alliance.

And a big congratulations to the Labour Party with eleven seats, the Green Party with five seats, and all the independents and independent groups who did so well.

It’s good to see democracy in action. Only very sorry so few voted. In our Heatherlands ward 25 per cent, the lowest I saw 22 per cent in a Boscombe ward, the highest 44 per cent in a Broadstone ward.

Not exactly thriving democracy is it when some 70 per cent - 280,000 - don’t vote.

And that apart what also struck me is “flyer power”. The funding to distribute flyers throughout wards.

What then in our ward has been extraordinary is that the Lib Dems put out no less than six A4 and larger A3 glossy flyers. Very professional. Very impressive.

Twice as many flyers - and twice the size - of all the other party flyers put together.

A lot of what was put in these flyers could be challenged but once they are out its delivery and Coup d’Etat.

I don’t know what the rules are on flyer costs and distribution but it strikes me as very unfair - not exactly level playing field democracy - that one party can dominate flyer distribution and then, not surprisingly, bag all the seats in wards.

I see the Lib Dems have a “tithing system”. Part of their Cllr allowances, we don’t know how much, goes back into party funding for “the work of the party”.

And that no doubt explains why one party can afford such extensive flyer distribution with all the impact and influence. Other less well funded parties left in the slip-stream.


Jubilee Road, Poole