“SEVERE weather” has been blamed for the delayed launch of a new council-organised business scheme along the beachfront. 

Toft Box Park, an “ambitious” initiative for start-up businesses, was initially due to be launched around Easter time. 

But the three shipping containers which are to house the new ventures still remain empty and locked. 

Cllr Millie Earl, deputy leader of the council, and the portfolio holder for connected communities, said: “The installation of the Toft Steps Beach Box Park project was initially affected by the severe weather experienced throughout March.

Bournemouth Echo: Toilets at Toft Box Park are closedToilets at Toft Box Park are closed (Image: Daily Echo)

“Construction has now been completed and the site has been certified for use, with the toilets opening ahead of the bank holiday weekend.” 

As reported, 30 applications were received by the council from businesses expressing interest in occupying the units along Boscombe promenade.

Read more: Why the council has placed shipping containers on Bournemouth beach

It remains unclear which businesses these are or what they do, but Cllr Earl said a line-up is to be announced soon. 

She added: “We have shortlisted local start-ups for the business incubator units and are currently finalising agreements, before announcing who our successful operators will be.

Bournemouth Echo: The containers are emptyThe containers are empty (Image: Daily Echo)

“We look forward to seeing the boxes bustling with budding entrepreneurs very soon.” 

The shipping container “boxes” are painted green and have laminated flooring inside, with electrics and insulation fitted.

Read more: Bournemouth beach: Leaders express sadness after two children die

They were fitted and converted by New Forest Containers, who placed them along the beach in March. 

One of the containers is also being used to house a toilet block.

Owner Daniel Savin previously told the Echo the initiative was a “good example of upcycling” as the shipping containers would have been otherwise unused in a shipping yard. 

Bournemouth Echo: Containers being placed in MarchContainers being placed in March (Image: Daily Echo)

Funding for the seafront box park comes from almost £22m from central government’s Towns Fund scheme for Boscombe, with the Toft Box Park costing £140,000. 

Ten projects have been planned for the regeneration of Boscombe, with each one requiring a detailed business plan for the full funding to be granted.   

Various other projects are planned for Boscombe’s regeneration including a Kings Park learning and skills hub, overhauling transport connections including walking, cycling and bus routes and buying the Royal Arcade to create affordable commercial space for independent businesses.