EMOTIONS were running high today as thousands took part in the Race for Life in Poole in aid of Cancer Research. 

More than 2,000 people took part in a 10k, 5k, 3k or a Pretty Muddy obstacle course in Poole’s Baiter Park on Saturday, June 3. 

More than £120,000 and counting was raised for the event this year as part of a national effort to fund research. 

Each participant, whether they ran, walked or were pushed in a chair, had their own story for taking part this year.  

Bournemouth Echo: Kate with her children Izzy and FinleyKate with her children Izzy and Finley (Image: Daily Echo)

Kate Hardiman was taking part with her children Izzy and Finley. She said: “We have had a few people affected by cancer in our family. 

“We want to raise as much money as we can and this is something we do every year. 

“I cry every time I do this, especially as I run around reading people’s messages on their backs.” 

Bournemouth Echo: Lorraine (centre) with Richard and StellaLorraine (centre) with Richard and Stella (Image: Daily Echo)

Meanwhile, an emotional Lorraine was running with her family. She said: “I have been five years cancer free, having had breast cancer.  

“This is an emotional event and I have done this before, but I never thought this would have been possible today. 

“I’m so grateful for the NHS and Wessex Cancer Trust, who I will be volunteering for soon.” 

Bournemouth Echo: Lynn Welling, running in memory of her husband MichaelLynn Welling, running in memory of her husband Michael (Image: Daily Echo)

For Lynn Welling, she was running in memory of her beloved husband Michael, with an image of him with his grandchildren on her back. 

She said: “He had prostate cancer and died last October. This is my first time taking part in this race and I hope I get around. 

“It is emotional.” 


Taking part in the 5k was the family of Charlotte Lewis and Elizabeth Rooney, a mother and daughter who lost their battles to cancer within six months of each other and who we featured last week. 

Bournemouth Echo: Charlotte Lewis and Elizabeth Rooney's familyCharlotte Lewis and Elizabeth Rooney's family (Image: Daily Echo)

Charlotte’s husband and Elizabeth’s stepdad Matthew Lewis fired up the crowd before they started the race. 

Charlotte’s mother Dawn Emberson said: “It will be an emotional day. We lost my daughter Charlotte and her daughter Elizabeth to cancer. They both would have been here running today.” 

Read more: Poole Race for Life team run in memory of mum and daughter

Elisa Mitchell, spokeswoman across the south, said this year was an “absolutely brilliant” turnout. 

Bournemouth Echo: Getting ready for the 5kGetting ready for the 5k (Image: Daily Echo)

She said: “It’s a real mixture of emotions on a Race for Life day because people are here to have fun, to remember people, remember people going through treatment. 

“But it also thinks about people in the future as well and hopefully their donations will help protect those in the future as we put the money towards research. 

“We also have the Pretty Muddy challenges which is always laughter all the way round, even with the poignant moments when we remember why we are all doing this.”