CONTROVERSIAL plans to expand a luxury hotel in Christchurch do not have the support of town councillors.

Christchurch Town Council has raised a second objection to the proposal for the Captains Club Hotel in Wick Lane.

A planning application had first been submitted for the site in December 2022, outlining both a rear and upward extension to make space for 29 new hotel bedrooms and seven new suites.

The expansion plans faced hundreds of objections, with many residents and councillors concerned over its size, appearance, and impact on the surrounding area.

At a Christchurch Town Council meeting in January, the Planning and Regulatory Committee tabled an objection to the plans.

Then, in April, acting planning agent Savills put forward a resubmission to the planning application to “address the concerns raised by statutory consultees”.

Changes were made to the design which included increased glazing, a change of materials and reducing the proposed floor area of the upward extension.

Bournemouth Echo: Revised plans for the hotelRevised plans for the hotel (Image: Bright Space Architects)

A covering letter submitted with the resubmission said: “These changes are considered to have reduced the dominance of the proposed new floor.”

However, when the plans were re-considered at a Christchurch Town Council meeting on Tuesday, May 30, residents and councillors weren’t so convinced.

During public participation, one member of the public stated that the revised application “had not alleviated the previous concerns over the detrimental impact on neighbouring residents’ amenity and loss of privacy.”

It was also argued that the revised proposal was “not in line with the original scheme of the hotel”, it would have a “massive impact” on noise disturbance and night-time pollution and would bring an “additional pressure” on car parking in the area.

After hearing statements from the public, members began discussions which were described as “similar” to those held ahead of their first objection to the scheme.

It was then resolved that Christchurch Town Council would raise an objection on the grounds of the the proposal having a “detrimental effect” on the river, surrounding area and neighbouring residences.

It also noted concerns over the impact on car parking and increased traffic congestion in the area.

A decision is yet to be made on the application for Captains Club Hotel.