With news that Ringwood Brewery has announced plans to sell its premises and brand, the Echo looks back at the history of the much-loved beer producer.

The long-standing town Brewery was founded in 1978 by Peter Austin, who was an influence on Britain's craft brewery rebirth in much the same way that Fritz Maytag of San Francisco's Anchor Brewing Company and Pierre Celis of Belgium's Hoegaarden Brewery were to their countries.

Austin had a much more direct role in brewery development through his consulting business and equipment sales. Several American craft brewers use his equipment: Geary's Brewing, Shipyard, Middle Ages Brewing Company and more.

The brewery was originally located in Minty's Yard, but it outgrew its premises and moved to its current location in 1986.

The new brewery was built on the site of a former railway goods yard and was designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

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The brewery has won numerous awards for its beers, including the Champion Beer of Britain award in 1991 for its Old Thumper. Old Thumper is a strong ale with a rich, malty flavor and a slightly spicy aroma. It is one of the most popular beers from the Ringwood Brewery.

The Ringwood Brewery is a popular tourist destination, and it offers tours and tastings of its beers. The brewery also has a restaurant and a bar, where visitors can enjoy a pint of Ringwood beer in a relaxed atmosphere.

Bournemouth Echo:

In 2007, the Ringwood Brewery was purchased by Marston's plc for £19.2 million. Marston's stated that they would keep the brewery in operation and continue producing the full range of Ringwood beers.

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In 2013, Ringwood underwent a full re-brand, and the ABV of Old Thumper was reduced from 5.6 per cent to 5.1 per cent. In 2015, Ringwood Best Bitter was rebranded as Ringwood Razorback.

Bournemouth Echo:

More than 250 million pints have been brewed in Ringwood since the brewery began.

The Ringwood Brewery is one of the most respected breweries in the UK. Its beers are known for their quality and their distinctive flavour, and they are enjoyed by beer lovers all over the world.

Bournemouth Echo: