A MAN who died earlier this year has left a generous amount of money to a Dorset children’s charity. 

Ken Thorp, who died in January aged 89, left £20,000 to Diverse Abilities £20,000 as part of his will. 

His long-standing friends Tim Jones and John Smith were appointed as executors of his estate and handed over the cheque to the children’s charity. 

After the presentation, a representative from Diverse Abilities gave them the chance to hear more about its work. 

It was at that point when Tim and John decided to double the amount of money Ken would give to the charity to £40,000.

Bournemouth Echo:

Tim said he and John were “profoundly moved” by Ken’s generosity, adding: “His wife Barbara pre-deceased him ten years ago and they didn’t have any children.  

“He saw John and I as effectively his next-of-kin. I knew him for more than 40 years and John was his friend for more than 50. 

“On reading his will and knowing he didn’t have any family, we were most surprised that he wanted the bulk of his estate to go to charities with a leaning towards children and, where possible, with a Dorset presence.  

“When we met with Helen and Mark and learned more about the amazing work that Diverse Abilities does through education, therapy and nursing support for children living with some of the biggest challenges anyone could face anywhere, we knew Ken would heartily approve of a substantial increase in the amount we had originally planned. It was an easy decision for us.” 

Helen, of Diverse Abilities, said: “We are honoured to receive this incredible gift from the estate of Ken Thorp.  

“Disability charities like Diverse Abilities do not typically receive many gifts from people’s wills, so to have our work recognised in such a generous way means a lot to us.  

“The donation will support Langside School, our specialist school providing education, therapeutic support and nursing care for children with incredibly profound physical and learning disabilities and medical needs.” 

Ken, who ran a wholesale supplier called Ken Thorpe Supplies Ltd, spent the last two years of his life in Colten Care’s Canford Chase care home in Western Road, Branksome. 

He also left money to the neonatal unit at Royal Bournemouth Hospital, the disability sailing charity Poole Sailability and Great Ormond Street Hospital.