CLIMATE activists will be mounting their bikes and flocking to Bournemouth town centre as part of peaceful protests this weekend.

Extinction Rebellion campaigners staging a 'mass bike ride want clean air and sustainable travel now'.

During an event on Saturday, they are calling on BCP Council to speed up its plans for walking and cycling in the area.

Including its ‘Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plan'.

Protesters are arguing that the 15-year strategy is not soon enough.

READ MORE: Extinction Rebellion campaign against Perenco at Poole Quay

Bournemouth Echo:

Organiser Adam Osman said: "The amount of interest we've had already shows how badly people in BCP want to cycle.

“Fifty per cent of the commutes in BCP are below five kilometres, a perfect distance for cycling to work.

“The reason people feel they can't is the infrastructure simply isn't safe enough.

"We're riding to call for changes to BCP Council's walking and cycling plan - we are in a climate emergency, and we are running out of time to switch from driving as our main form of transport.

“We would like to open a dialogue with BCP Council as to how the cycling plans can be accelerated on a more cost-effective budget.

"We're also reaching out to anyone who wants to join an ongoing campaign of cycling activism in BCP in order to show how desperately we need this change."

Bournemouth Echo:

The XR BCP Critical Mass Bike Ride & Rally will take place on Saturday, July 15, beginning with an hour-long bike ride from Horseshoe Common, Bournemouth

The route will go along Old Christchurch Road, down to Boscombe Chine Gardens, along Overcliff Road, past the Royal Bath Hotel, through Westover Road, past the Square, then down Exeter Road to finish near the Bournemouth Pier end of the Gardens.

Riders are told to follow the person in front of them, along with five stewards in hi-viz to keep the group together. 

Attendees will set off at 10.30am and will be provided with XR flags to attach to their bike, trike, cargo bike, electric bike or Beryl bike.

A demonstration will then be held in Bournemouth Lower Gardens where activists can share their opinions.

Organisers have said that Cllr Andy Hadley, portfolio holder for climate response, environment and energy, as well as Cllr Felicity Rice will be attending the event.