AFTER visiting Bournemouth town centre today, I came away feeling shocked and sad to see what has happened to the town since I last visited and felt the need to vent my frustration.

I consider myself a local despite no longer living in the area.

I am 34 and lived in Christchurch for most of my life.

I loved regular day trips or nights out in Bournemouth.

The town was always so vibrant with lots going on, great shops and restaurants and always felt very safe.

I moved up to Scotland five years ago and have just returned to Bournemouth for a visit.

What the hell has happened to this place? There are barely any shops left, with many boarded up.

The town centre looks like a wasteland and is filthy.

A high proportion of people walking around the town centre seem to have a drink or drugs problem.

Quite frankly there is no centre to visit anymore and the issues with drink and drugs make the place have an unpleasant and uncomfortable atmosphere.

I know out of town shopping centres like Castlepoint haven’t helped but this is has happened up and down the country and no place I have visited has been so negatively affected as Bournemouth.

You would think the council don’t even care - like they’ve just given up.

In fact, they are actively responsible for deterring people, especially locals, from visiting the town with the astronomic parking charges.

I initially went to park in the Pavilion however was appalled when I went to pay and just two hours was £6.6.

I got back in the car to find somewhere else.

I still ended up paying £4.80 for two hours.

I just don’t understand what this council are doing but it genuinely disgusts and saddens me.

Simply having a nice beach and gardens is not enough of an attraction with such a rundown town at its centre.

Growing up I was always so proud to live in such a beautiful place.

Now I couldn’t be happier that I no longer live here and after my experience this week I doubt I will ever return to the area again.

What a shame.


Elgin, Scotland