A MAN has been jailed for raping a woman in a hotel.

Daniel Tew, of Mowbray Road, was sentenced to nine years at Winchester Crown Court on Wednesday, August 2.

The court heard that Tew, 42, raped a woman at the Royal Bath Hotel in Bournemouth.

Tew was also convicted of assaulting her. He headbutted her and broke her nose.

The woman was at the sentencing and read her victim impact statement from behind a screen.

She said: “The whole process has been a traumatic experience. 

“It has consumed my life and has had a ripple effect on those around me.

"My injuries are a constant reminder of what he put me through. My life will never be the same again.”

Peter Asteris, mitigating, said: “Clearly alcohol has had a significant effect on him.

"Since his arrest, he has put his life back on track and has stopped drinking alcohol. 

“Clearly he is making an effort to put drinking behind him.”

Sentencing Tew, Judge Paul Dugdale said: “There are two sides to you. You have a good side when you are sober, but when you have been drinking you can be violent and abusive. 

“You behaved in a way which is unacceptable. This behaviour leaves deep damage.”

Tew was sentenced to eight years for rape, and one year for causing actual bodily harm and false imprisonment.

He will also be on the sex offenders' register for life.

Tew denied all the charges but was convicted by a jury following a trial.

Sexual Offences Investigative Trained officer, PC James Canneaux, of Hampshire police's Amberstone unit, said: “The victim in this case has shown incredible courage and I would like to express my sincere thanks to her for walking into Southampton Central Police Station and telling us what had happened to her that day.

"Without her bravery we would not have secured this outcome and Tew would not be behind bars, where he can no longer harm her or anyone else."

Detective Constable Joanne Boyd, who led the investigation, added: “The victim described to us how Tew told her that nobody would help her.

"I would like to reassure all victims of this type of abuse today that this will never be the case. You will be listened to by the authorities and support services, and you will be taken seriously.

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