ANSWERS are still sought by the parents of a young Bournemouth woman who died in a mental health hospital more than 200 miles from home.

An inquest into the death of Lauren Bridges was adjourned in February as a coroner determined more time was needed for evidence to be collected and heard.

Lauren, aged 20, was an inpatient at the privately-run Priory Hospital Cheadle Royal, near Stockport, when she was found unresponsive on February 24 last year.

The aspiring doctor was taken to hospital and her family made the six-hour drive to be at her bedside, before her life support was withdrawn the following day.

An inquest scheduled for two weeks examining Lauren’s death began in February this year. However, it was stopped after two days and the jury was discharged.

Bournemouth Echo: Lauren BridgesLauren Bridges (Image: Bridges family)

A new inquest was listed to allow more time for all the evidence to be heard and proceedings are set to resume at Stockport Coroner’s Court on August 7, and is expected to last up to five weeks.

Lauren’s mum Lindsey, 44 and of Bournemouth, instructed lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate her care and support her through an inquest.

Specialist lawyer Alexander Terry said: “Coming to terms with Lauren’s tragic death and the circumstances surrounding it has been so painful for Lindsey and the rest of her family.

“While the adjournment was regrettable, Lauren’s family accepted it was necessary to ensure a thorough and fearless investigation into the circumstances of Lauren’s death was held before a conclusion reached.

“Understandably the family continue to be profoundly affected by Lauren’s death which happened in such tragic circumstances and have many questions about the events that unfolded.

“Their focus is now on this upcoming inquest which they hope will provide them with the answers they deserve.”

Bournemouth Echo: Lauren Bridges with her mother Lindsey and step-father James HintonLauren Bridges with her mother Lindsey and step-father James Hinton (Image: Bridges family)

After passing her GCSEs, Lauren started studying A Levels and aspired to be a doctor or a paediatric nurse.

She was first admitted to a psychiatric unit in October 2018 on a voluntary basis.

Over the coming years she was admitted to units a further seven times. Her ninth admission was to Cheadle Royal in July 2021.

Mum Lindsey previously said: “I’d do anything to have Lauren back in our lives.

“I know the inquest is going to be incredibly upsetting, but I owe it to Lauren to honour her memory by at least establishing the answers as to why she died.”