I’M upset and sorry to hear of the tragic loss of life of a young 18-year-old sadly stabbed to death in Bournemouth town centre.

I have highlighted how unsafe Bournemouth citizens feel in our town centre at night – to the police, my councillor and even Bournemouth BID.

I have requested that BCP make their excellent security staff that we see during the day available into the evening.

Bournemouth is a wonderful place to live with its beaches and Westbourne and Southbourne, but the town centre needs immediate attention.

The town centre survey we keep hearing about from the new council leaders needs reviewing and acting upon immediately.

As well as addressing the appalling state of the shopping areas in Commercial Road and Christchurch Road they need to also improve and increase the police and BCP security presence in the town centre.

In the early evening the town centre is often overtaken by beggars and skateboarders and doesn’t feel a pleasant place to be.


Cleveland Court, Bournemouth