A man treated his on-off girlfriend like a “punching bag” as he carried out a persistent attack on her outside her home.

Benjamin Fooks was described as “hitting her like a boxer” by witnesses.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard that intoxicated Fooks launched into the violent episode shortly after he had accused the woman of being with other men in front of her friend.

The victim had asked the defendant for the door key as they approached her home, but he said he dropped it on the ground.

Bournemouth Echo: Benjamin Kenneth Fooks, 34 and previously of River Way, ChristchurchBenjamin Kenneth Fooks, 34 and previously of River Way, Christchurch (Image: Dorset Police)

Judge Susan Evans KC told Fooks: “When she bent down to look for it with her phone you then started to attack her.

“You kicked her to the face. You continued to kick her to the face, the ribs, the arms.

“You kicked her on the ground about 20 times.”

Members of the public tried to intervene during the prolonged incident in Bournemouth on the evening of April 4.

Fooks, 34, only relented, then fled the scene, when one of them said they were calling the police.

Judge Evans KC said: “You were described as hitting her like a boxer. She felt like it would never stop.

“She could have received life-changing injuries from that.”

The judge said the assault took place in the context of the defendant's "sexual jealousy".

Prosecuting, Kaj Scarsbrook said the victim had swelling to her head and she suffered significant bruising.

Mr Scarsbrook said they started their relationship in summer 2022 and the woman described it as being “on and off” since then.

The court heard she had made several reports to police about his behaviour and the defendant was made subject to a domestic violence protection notice in November, which he complied with.

They were back in a relationship shortly before the assault.

Fooks had 31 previous convictions for 54 offences and was made subject to a suspended sentence order in 2021.

The defendant, previously of River Way, Christchurch, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and breach of the suspended sentence.

Bournemouth Echo: Bournemouth Crown CourtBournemouth Crown Court

Mitigating, Ed Wylde said Fooks was sorry for what he did and thinking about the attack “breaks him inside”.

Mr Wylde said Fooks “clearly had and has troubles” but he was working hard in custody to overcome them.

A positive report from an officer at HMP Winchester led the judge to label Fooks a “model prisoner”.

Fooks was now taking his ADHD medication and was focused on tackling his problem with alcohol, Mr Wylde said.

Judge Evans KC jailed the defendant for 27 months and gave him a five-year restraining order at the hearing on Friday, August 18.