MORE than 100 rapes were reported in Bournemouth in each of the past two years, an FOI request has revealed.

The reports made to police in 2021 and 2022 surpassed those made in each of the three years prior.

“Tackling serious violence, violence against women and girls and sexual offences are all priorities for Dorset Police,” said detective superintendent Joan Carmichael.

The Freedom of Information request saw the county force provide data on reported rape, sexual assault and exposure and voyeurism in the town centre over the last five years.

In 2022, there were 105 reports of rape, 143 reports of sexual assault, 19 reports of exposure and voyeurism, and 19 reports which fell into ‘other sexual offences’.

These totalled to 286 sexual offences throughout the year.

In 2021, there 115 reports of rape, 120 reports of sexual assault, 22 reports of exposure and voyeurism, and 16 reports in the ‘other’ category, totalling to 273 sexual offences that year.

These are a huge increase on statistics provided from 2018, a year which saw 68 reports of rape, 105 reports of sexual assault, 24 reports of exposure and voyeurism and 18 ‘other’ reports, bringing the total number of offences to 215.

In 2020, despite the country being in lockdown, there were 65 reports of rape, 97 reports of sexual assault, 12 reports of exposure and voyeurism and 16 'other’ reports, totalling to 190 offences.

Responding to the data, detective superintendent Carmichael said: “Dorset Police takes reports of all sexual offences extremely seriously and we will do all we can to ensure offences are thoroughly investigated and offenders are brought to justice.

“Dorset Police is fully committed to supporting victims and we want them to feel confident to report matters in the knowledge that they will be fully supported and listened to.

“Although the town centre has seen an increase of 19 per cent in the number of reported rapes from 2018 to 2022, this is in line with a national increase of around 18 per cent.”

Neighbourhood chief inspector Darren Harris, of BCP, said he is aware that some sexual offences take place in public places and encourages anyone who feels unsafe in the town centre to report their concerns to a present police officer, community support officer, RNLI Lifeguard or council employees.

Mr Harris added: “We have strengthened our joint approach with our partners with a focus on high visibility and improving the area to ensure it remains safe and residents and visitors feel safe.”