THIEVES smashed their way into multiple charity shops in Poole high street leaving a trail of destruction. 

Seven charity shops and a mobility scooter shop were targetted with several safes taken and computers smashed. 

As Thursday morning broke, shop workers were left scared and sweeping up broken glass as they picked up the pieces. 

Crime scene investigators were sent down to swab for fingerprints while many of the shops were forced to close for the day.

Bournemouth Echo: Shoppers looked on in 'disgust'Shoppers looked on in 'disgust' (Image: Daily Echo)

Tina Mahoney, who has worked at DEBRA for 21 years, said it was a “nightmare” for the charity and that it is “frustrating that charity shops are losing trade”. 

She said: “We noticed that they had broken into the office and smashed our computer up, but we can’t see anything missing. 

“We’ve all been told not to go into the office until after the forensics have been as they need to gather fingerprints.” 

Karen Brown, who has been the manager at the British Red Cross for 12 years, said she “can’t believe it” when looking at the boarded-up shops along High Street. 

Bournemouth Echo: A clean up was on in the British Red CrossA clean up was on in the British Red Cross (Image: Daily Echo)

Bournemouth Echo: Poole High Street charity shops

She added: “I opened the door this morning to smashed glass everywhere. A lady from Superdrug came down and explained that a lot of charity shops had been broken into. 

“Our area manager told us to shut up the shop and clear the glass – there is destruction everywhere. 

“Nothing of any monetary value was taken, they just made a mess everywhere and it’s very sad.” 

Natalie Newitt, manager at People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, said: “Our assistant manager came in and saw the glass door smashed and phoned the police because she thought somebody could be in still. 

Bournemouth Echo: Shops had to be closed for the day as staff cleaned up and spoke to policeShops had to be closed for the day as staff cleaned up and spoke to police (Image: Daily Echo)

“They took a whole safe, a wedding dress and had upturned everything, possibly looking for some keys. 

“Every customer is coming in and saying how disgusted they are with what has happened. 

“We struggle with general petty thieves all the time.” 

The manager of Cats Protection said customers had been generous enough to give the pet charity extra food

She said that two laptops had been taken and a safe with around £450, adding: “They superglued the alleyway door because I'm told it makes you think you’ve locked it. 

Bournemouth Echo: Poole High Street charity shops

“The council needs to look at installing more cameras along here; volunteers and customers are becoming very weary and you can see they are all scared.” 

Susan Newcombe, director of retail at Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, said there was glass "scattered everywhere" after intruders forced their way upstairs and stole an iPad and stock.

She added: “It has been very upsetting for both volunteers and staff at our Poole charity shop, we just don’t understand why someone would want to steal from a local charity.

“We now need to raise more money to pay for the significant repairs to our shop so we are urging the local community to help us by having a declutter."

Three men, including a 38-year-old from Bournemouth, a 45-year-old of no fixed address and a 52-year-old from Poole, have all been arrested on suspicion of burglary. 

Neighbourhood Inspector Nick Lee, of Poole police, said: “Investigators will now be carrying out detailed enquiries into these reports and I would urge any witnesses, or anyone with information that might assist our investigation, to please contact us. 

“Local officers will be conducting enhanced patrols in the area impacted by these offences and we will be working with Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) officers from the local authority to provide a visible presence in the vicinity.”