A BOY who lost out on being crowned carnival queen following online abuse has told his haters he “does not care about their opinions”. 

James Gollop had been due to take on the role of carnival queen at this year’s Ringwood Carnival – taking place today. 

However, his appointment caused a backlash on social media with many posting abusive comments and questioning why the role of queen was given to a boy. 

But now, James, 16, wants to speak out and tell “bullies and bigots” that “I am just being me – so suck it up”. 

Bournemouth Echo: James GollopJames Gollop (Image: Daily Echo)

He told the Echo: “I was so excited [to learn I was queen] - I knew there would be some hate, there was bound to be, and at first I got so many messages of support. 

“I wanted to have a little read at the comments, to read the juicy goss. But then I was a bit upset because people that I have known all my life were commenting.  

Read more: Ringwood Carnival condemns backlash over boy carnival queen

“But then I was like ‘do you know what, I don’t really care’ because I am happy and it is what I want to do.” 

James said he was sent messages including: ‘You are joking me lol’, ‘Next year we’re having a carnival saucepan’ and ‘The queen stands for a woman and not some pervert’. 

Bournemouth Echo:

“They’re keyboard warriors,” James said. “They don’t mind me being there, they don’t like the word queen. 

“The role of the queen is to sit on the horse and carriage with two princesses and parade down the carnival and we wave to people.” 

Read more: Ringwood Carnival returns with a bang after two years away

The carnival committee condemned the social media abuse and even informed police about people making threats. 

The role of queen has since been scrapped and James is instead now part of a 'carnival court' alongside 'carnival princesses and members of Ringwood Town Council. 

But that hasn’t stopped him from wearing a dress on the big day. 

“Every outfit I wear, I pair it with a handbag and if I want to wear something special I wear a dress – simple,” he said. 

“I feel fine doing that, normal, and I go to all these gatherings and nobody says anything and they all embrace it.” 

Bournemouth Echo: James at promJames at prom (Image: James Gollop)

James, who studies textiles at Bournemouth and Poole College, said: “Mother always knew I was gay since I was little.  

“Once to make money online, I nicked her shoes to sell but I just kept them for myself. 

“I have had loads of support from everywhere and even had flowers sent to my home. 

Giving advice, James said: “Don’t listen [to haters], you’re always better than them. Don’t show you’re scared of them, do that at home to your parents but don’t let it get to you.” 

James’ mum Alison said she is “very proud” of her son and that they are “not going to give in to bullies and bigots”. 

“Why should we bow down to the small minority who think it is fine to go around and make threats to James?” she asked.