IT WAS raining cats and dogs but that didn’t stop a pooch festival from being a success.

Dogs in all shapes and sizes from short and stumpy to tall and grumpy enjoyed the rainy day out at Cafe Riva in Bournemouth.

Four-legged friends and their soggy owners watched in awe at the good boys and girls competing in various competitions on Sunday.

Prizes were given out for the waggiest tail, best-looking dog, best trick, and most distinguished/elderly dog.

Nicky Merlin, one of the organisers was over the moon with the fete. She said: “I think today has been amazing, I’m so amazed at the turnout and how people have shown they are British and not let some rain get in the way.

"It's been a great day, we've had the doggy Olympics and the watercourse which has been brilliant.

“We’ve also had a lot of labradors and spaniels join in, it's great I'm so appreciative of the support of the community.”

Nicky also brought her dog Merlin to the event in his pushchair.

Bournemouth Echo:

“This is definitely the soggiest dog fair, but everyone has been great.”

Aysha Sinclair, a helper for Dorset Dogs said: “Considering how rainy it is, I think today has been amazing.”

Dogs could also help themselves out with some dog-friendly tea and paw-secco.

The four-legged friends enjoyed various exciting activities from sausage bobbing, doggy dash to find the fastest dog in Dorset, and the ‘famous’ sniff ’n’ find the sensory zone.

The ‘Doggy Olympics’ also proved a hit, with dogs lining up for the chance to win trophies.

Nicky posted an update before the fete saying: “Merlin would like to update everyone that the show is going ahead rain or shine, or rainbows and unicorns.

“We will be there. This is what Britain is all about. We have so much fun lined up. Your dog will love it.”

All proceeds from the fair went to pet food banks across BCP.

The fete took place at Café Riva in Southbourne on September 17.