IT IS very easy to spend money that is not your own, as can be seen by the attempt to account for the cost overrun for the cycle lane at Whitelegg Way.

This is one of many traffic schemes that appears to be a total waste of money, despite Cllr Hadley claiming that more people are going to be using the cycle lane two years after it was built.

Not a chance – it is and will remain a total white elephant, just like all of the other cycle lane projects that are blighting the area.

This is the same councillor who was responsible for building so-called traffic calming measures in various locations in the area at what seemed at the time to be one every month.

But, thankfully, when he lost his portfolio position in the council these schemes seem to have stopped.

The common factor with cycle lanes and traffic calming measures is that the majority of local residents want neither, but as is the case these days the majority are ignored.

Cllr Hadley looks to have worked his way back into power under the title of portfolio holder for environment and it came as no surprise to see his support for a Mr Daniel Glennon, who is seeking to get BCP Council to take meat of the menu in all council eating establishments in order to save the planet.

Once again a cause with precious little support from the silent majority but watch this space for the next council bird brain idea to be announced.


Catalina Drive, Poole