A drunk man has been jailed for assaulting his dad after bursting into his mum's bedroom naked at 1am and asking to sleep in her room.

Robin Brown, 44, had been drinking 'all day' before standing at the end of his elderly mother's bed and telling her he had been sick in his bedroom.

Southampton Crown Court heard he then turned on his stroke survivor dad, who had come into his wife's bedroom after being woken by the commotion at their home in the New Forest.

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Brown pushed his 86-year-old dad in the chest, knocking him to the ground - and then pushed him again when he got up.

The victim hit his head on a cupboard on the way down - and Brown just walked out of the room.

In a victim statement read out in court, Brown's dad said: “I’m still in a state of shock. He has never been physically violent.

“We currently feel like we never want to see him again and we hope he ends up in prison because of this.”

He said he feared he could have ended up “more seriously injured”.

The court heard police were called and Mr Brown senior was taken to hospital with a cut near his eye that was bleeding heavily.

Prosecutor Keely Harvey said the victim was a stroke survivor and was taking blood thinners, meaning his wound bled heavily.

The victim suffered bruising and a cut around the right eye but no fractures.

Brown, of Perrywood Close, Holbury has two previous convictions for five offences including drink and drug driving.

He admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm as well as being in breach of a suspended sentence as a result of this offence.

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Recorder James Waddington KC said the offence was aggravated by Brown’s “intoxication” adding that the victim was “vulnerable”.

He said: "Your mother was in her bed in her bedroom. (You were) coming into her bedroom naked. He came into the bedroom. You were very drunk.

"You refused to leave the room, pushing your father in the chest. When he got up you pushed him again. He hit his face on a cupboard.

"You said you couldn't really remember what had happened because you had been drinking all day. "

Brown was jailed for 14 months.

Mitigating, Lucy Taylor said the incident was “short-lived” and added: “There is an impulsiveness to it”.

She said her client is “remorseful” and “accepts the push and that his behaviour was ill-advised”.

She said: “His intention was not to cause the level of injury that was caused. Alcohol has been the common denominator here”.