DEVELOPERS are a step closer to building 177 apartments at the former gas works site in Christchurch.

Churchill Retirement Living will not be receiving any objections from the town council in relation to its scheme off Bridge Street.

The developer had submitted a formal planning application earlier this month, with the proposal having been in the pipeline since February 2021.

The scheme includes 177 apartments, commercial space, communal facilities and car parking.

The plans have already seen the demolition of the former La Mamma’s restaurant in Bridge Street – which sits within the site earmarked for development.

Bournemouth Echo: Proposed visuals for the scheme Proposed visuals for the scheme (Image: Planning Issues)

Christchurch Town Council’s planning and regulatory committee met to discuss the planning application on Tuesday, October 17.

The minutes of the meeting document read: “Members recognised the need for housing for the retired population in Christchurch and highlighted that the proposal would take some pressure off the greenbelt land.

“Members discussed that the way the proposal made use of the brownfield land was acceptable but raised a concern about the impact of the proposed building height on the surrounding area.”

One member raised concerns about the scale of the proposal, and claimed it would “not be in keeping with the character” of Bridge Street.

Bournemouth Echo: View of proposed development from Bridge StreetView of proposed development from Bridge Street (Image: Planning Issues)

Another questioned site access during the construction process of the homes, and stated that a plan should be in place to “effectively control the circulation of vehicles delivering construction materials” to make sure that “no harm would be made to the surrounding area”.

A planning agent was also present, and stressed that the submitted scheme was “in line with continuous feedback received from various engagements with key stakeholders”.

Following a vote, it was resolved that the town council would raise no objection to the proposal but “strongly recommends that a robust construction mobilisation plan should be in place”.

Churchill Retirement Living say its proposed development will provide "affordable, retirement and open-market housing".

The developer also said it will bring “numerous economic benefits” creating 693 jobs during the construction phase and around 49 jobs in the local area once operational.”

BCP Council is yet to make a decision on the planning application.