A WOMAN was found dead in her father’s home after pet-sitting while he was on holiday, an inquest heard.

Zoe Adele Holyhead, 34, was found unresponsive at her father’s home following a history of mental health struggles.

An inquest held at Bournemouth Town Hall on November 3 heard that Zoe had been battling with her mental health since she was 18 and suffered from bipolar disorder, schizophrenic disorder and depression.

Her father, Ian Holyhead, said in a written statement to Bournemouth Coroners Court that Zoe took various medications for her mental health and had previously been sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

In May 2022, Zoe moved into Millenium House, an assisted living residence in Poole.

Stephanie Sealey, community mental health nurse and Zoe’s care coordinator, told the court that in October, 2022, plans were being made to move her into independent living after she requested.

Dr Menzies Schrader, Zoe's psychiatrist, said she was a very 'intelligent woman', and believed the move was positive for her. 

On October 12, 2022, Zoe told Shelley Hamon, senior practitioner at Millenium House, that she was going to stay at her father’s house until she was able to move into her new flat.

Ian said he last saw Zoe on October 14, 2022, during dinner where she appeared happy.

On October 15, Ian and his partner shouted goodbye to Zoe as they were leaving to go on holiday, and she responded by telling them to enjoy themselves.

Zoe remained at her father’s house to look after his pet cat and whilst away Ian kept in contact with her through text messages.

He returned on October 18, 2022, at 4.40pm and found a note on his daughter’s bedroom door telling him not to enter the room and to call the police.

Ian entered the room and found Zoe unconscious on her bed, where she looked pale and felt cold when he tried to shake her.

PC Gracie Jacobs from Dorset Police said she arrived and found Zoe dead.

A post-mortem conducted by Dr Simon Rasbridge found that Zoe died after taking toxic chemicals.

Assistant coroner for Dorset, Richard Middleton, concluded that Zoe intended to take her life and died by suicide.

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